You determine how you handle a mistake

What Would You Do If You Know You Could Not Fail?
Failure doesn’t exist

In yesterday’s article we spoke about how important making mistakes is. To be able to learn from the mistakes we have to accept that a mistake is not a failure.

It is more difficult to allow yourself to make mistakes if you consider them as a failure. This is why you have to learn from people who are at the peak of their carreer that you shouldn’t think of your mistakes as failures. If you speak to any professional or listen to a speech you will hear them say the same. Everyone makes mistakes, it is what you decide to do with the new knowledge.

Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure. – James Altucher

After a mistake it is up to you to be honest about it and taking the responsibility. Taking the blame for something you have done is the first step in growing as a person. You will learn how you can prevent it in the future. At the same time your personality will grow by confidently owning up to your action. Maybe the best thing about it is that you will learn how to fix a problem and you can witness how your peers would solve the problem.

Failure doesn’t exist, unless you allow it to. People will sometimes make you feel as you failed. How you react to the situation is what determines the consequences. Honestly admitting your fault before someone stumbles on it is already half the work. By speaking up about your mistake it shows that you know what you did and that you are honest about it. In first instance it will feel difficult to bring it up, but it is the best thing to do.