Do you follow the majority or take your own path?

Are you the odd one out?

Success can be achieved in many different ways and by everyone. Luckily not everyone does the same thing to obtain success. To manage extraordinary feats that no one did before you have to be willing to doing things that no one ever tried. The first person achieving something had the mindset to go for something that most find unobtainable, yet they didn’t accept that it was impossible.

Some challenges like a certain job are only available for people with years of experience or require a certain degree. However an opportunity could arise where they need someone now and can’t find anyone with the adequate experience. This is your moment to present yourself as a great opportunity to start learning in an area that is inaccessible for most. The are some jobs that are completely locked unless you have the degree, for example doctor or lawyer. However there are plenty of employers requiring a degree that is not absolutely necessary. As long as you are willing to work hard and continue to learn you can grab this opportunity with both hands and strive in it.

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. – Mark Twain

To obtain great achievements you have to look past what the people around you do. Performing the same as everyone will not get you better results. Therefore once you notice you are becoming like everyone you might want to check how you improve to end up ahead. One of the mindsets to adopt is to never give up. Despite hardships you are able to make it. For example many have their day job to earn their money. You can have the same and have a side hustle, this requires a lot of extra work and you may not make much from it the first years. Continue to work hard and you will make it work and benefit more then the people around you having one job.

If you want to be average you only have to perform similar tasks as everyone around. You can settle being normal not having to do anything special. Think about earlier generations, everyone worked hard for more than 40 years often for the same employer. In our current situation more and more people realise that social security will not be able to pay for retirement for much longer. So instead of following the herd you can choose to build your own retirement. In all area’s of life you choose to follow the mass or carve your own path.