Protect nature

Appreciate nature around you and protect it

In our last article we talked about how you can explore your surroundings. Nature is absolutely beautiful. When you appreciate it there will be less resistance towards helping nature survive. For example when we are moving a short distance we often take the car for convenience. But why would we? It’s healthier for our body to be moving a bit more and your car battery will thank you for it.

A second way of protecting nature is by not blindly following consumerism. Getting the newest gadget for allowing to peel a tomato that bit quicker, or cutting an apple in one go will not help you safe much time and it requires more materials to be used to create the new tool. In 10 years you will clean up your drawers, notice you have never used it and throw it away. During the creation of the product there was barely any consideration for nature and maybe it wont even be possible to recycle it.

Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man. – Stewart Udall

When you have seen the beauty of nature you will also start to see how humanity destroys it frequently. Cutting trees and removing nature for building new appartments and other buildings. Loving nature will make it easier to take steps to protect nature, the only way this will work if we can get more people onto this path to recovering and maintaining nature. Getting others to love nature isn’t so difficult, letting them protect nature is harder. To let your friends and families help you protect nature first let them see how beautiful nature is and enjoy nature together.

If people aren’t to concerned about nature teach them that as humans we need nature to survive ourselves. Without trees there wouldn’t be sufficient oxygen for us to breathe. Another example is how rain lands on hard surfaces like rooftops, roads and so on. When rain falls in nature it is being absorbed by nature and the ground absorbs it. The more we continue to build the higher the risk becomes that the water isn’t being absorbed in the ground. When you buy a house you can protect nature by not adding (too much) hard surfaces. You will need a roof, but no need to harden everything for parking your car. There are plenty of solutions out there for soft surface parking. Grass is a good option if you prepare for it, for example adding parking mats on the grass under the car.