The power of new year’s resolutions

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What are your new year’s resolutions? 

A new year is peaking around the corner. It is that time of the year again where we set ourselves goals for the new year. Setting new year’s resolutions has it advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest advantage is that considering the new year is coming very soon, you might as well jump on the train and set yourself some goals. First off you have the choice to either tell everyone about your resolution, so they can hold you accountable. The negative effect it can have is that if you don’t manage to follow through, people will doubt your words. Or you could opt for creating a goal that only you know about. Unfortunately people will not keep you accountable for your goals if you haven’t pronounced them. The great benefit here is that if you still manage to reach your goal, so many people will acknowledge your achievement. As an added benefit you will be perceived as a someone who achieves goals instead of speaking about them.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. – Oprah Winfrey

The reason why new year’s resolution aren’t as solid as they should be is because everyone feels the need to create them at the end of the year. This can cause you to create a goal when you aren’t ready for it or you take too many goals at once. Either way this isn’t helping you to reach the goals. Goals should be set when you are completely driven to reach them.

That being said if you manage it well, any resolution you set can actually succeed. Just know that no one is perfect, you don’t have to reach your goal within the first month of the year. Take small steps towards the bigger picture.  Be considerate with the free time you have, or you can create, don’t stack your new year with the burden of too many things at once.