Trust the people around you

Do you follow people trusting their word? 

In our current time there are so many methods of researching whether something is true or not. Before we had to do the searching in a libraby nowadays we just pull out our phone and can instantly find answers to our queston. What happens if someone nearby knows the answer, would you believe them or rather research it on your own? There is no harm in listening to them and see if they are telling the truth.

The reason why it’s great to start trusting people again is because we have to work together to achieve goals. If we can’t trust them for daily matters then why would you trust them with your life in other situations? It’s true that if we trust everyone we will get burned. We are not telling you to trust everyone in any situation. For example strangers calling you to say you won a prize if you pay them a certain amount first will never be sincere. Don’t trust things that sound to good to be true. People advising you to invest in them and promising a 20% return on your investment are basically selling their product or service without knowing if it will work.

You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don’t trust enough. – Frank Crane

When you start trusting more people you will become experienced in finding out who deserved your trust and who didn’t. From that point onwards you start knowing what situations are untrustworthy and what ones are. In short when someone asks you to trust them by paying or lending them money they probably can’t be trusted. Unless of course it are you friends that need a small loan for starting a business. They may not be able to succeed ont he business idea, but you are not lending them the money for the profit. The lend will only be with money you can miss and to give them an attempt at succes.

Trusting more people will let you see the beauty in them and in allowing to trust them. Your connections with others will will expand more rapidly. Trusting someone while others may not do it will have them see you differently as well. Trust allows you to see the nice side of others which otherwise will remain hidden. For example someone who just lost their wallet will not have enough money to get back home. If you give them the money you may remain friends or you will improve the world around you. Instead of seeing that no one trusts them they are actually able to get home without having to do the extremely long walk.