How you think influences everything

What are you thinking?

Perspective is very important. One person may absolutely dislike a job while someone else loves it. For example some people are scared of meeting customers face-to-face. While others don’t do anything except for having conversations with customers. The thing someone hates is the aim for someone else.

The way you think brings a lot of changes. Do you see your mealtime as a moment to improve your body or to lighten the burden of life. Are you trying to have a stronger body or to satisfy your desires? How you think bout food will result in changes in your eating habits. This knowledge will enable you to change your health by changing the way you think about food. The more you start to like the new healthy food the easier it becomes to stay consistent with it. If your mind tells you it’s enjoyable you will continue to opt for those instead of the less healthier options.

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. – Roger Miller

The quote shows that your mindset changes the outcome. When you are setting your goal to arrive home in 30 minutes and see that it rains there are multiple ways to continue. Either you shelter, you continue walking becoming angry because it starts raining or you can continue and enjoy the moment as best as possible. When we want to do something special we often worry about what others think about us. If we stop drinking alcohol others will think we are boring and are never able to chill with them. However it’s not their thoughts it are your thoughts that block yourself. Do what you believe and let others think about you how they want.

If you want to achieve something extraordinary you have to allow yourself to think and act differently. It’s difficult to believe that you are able to achieve something that others before you haven’t be able to complete. Believe in yourself and in the process and you can accomplish great achievements. If your mindset is narrow you will stay the same and never improve. Passing through the world as you are will keep you the same. If you keep your eyes open for everything, anything is possible. Instead of focussing on the possible bad outcomes think about how it could be great.