Priorities change

Choose your priorities

For the past years our life’s have been changed heavily. Some people consider money and work as the most important thing. There is nothing wrong with that thought, but due to the pandemic a lot has shifted. Seeing others becoming sick and hearing about horror stories priorities naturally change.

At a young age most focus on studies, families, friends and enjoyment. When something happens in life you start to consider what you have going on and whether or not you have to change your ways. For example as young adults it’s easy to get lost in your job, to finish your workday and to remain at work for an extra hour of two. The longer the imbalance exists the harder you will have to recover from it. A perfect work-life-balance doesn’t exist. One day your work takes more of your time and another you focus more on your personal life.

My parents always made education and school the number one priority. They believed that an education is the best gift you can give to your child. – Debra Messing

As children we take on the priorities of our parents since they are the ones teaching us most of what we know. If your parents like to walk they will start taking you with them to enjoy nature. If they rather participate in team sports they may bring you along. The goals of your parents will be visible for you and will have an influence on you. It may cause you to follow the same goals and dreams or show you that you rather go for something else. Your parents may have gone for the money with less family time, which in turn can motivate you to do things differently.

There is a big difference between having a priority and obsession for it. For example your priority might be to become financially independent without needing help of anyone else, not your parents, family, friends or even the government. Having an obsession means you will refuse anything not in line with your goal. Yes looking to reduce your spending to become financially stable is great, but refusing everything may be too much. When your friends invite you for a drink there is plenty of reasons to go and there are also legitimate reasons to skip. If you are visiting an old friend or have a family dinner you wont be able to get a drink at the same time. However if you only refuse the drink because it’s going to cost you it may lead you to lose your friends.