Preservation of nature

Nature has beautiful places

Our society constantly looks for a new place to build new houses, skyscrapers or shopping center. While some of it may be necessary in the process it’s important to pay attention to the nature surrounding it and not letting it get destroyed too much.

To preserve nature there are a lot of steps we can take. The main one is to not solely follow the crowd without thinking about it yourself. If your friends and family want to build a new house doesn’t mean you have to do the same. When you do decide to build something there is also the possibility of reducing the amount of damage you deliver to the nature. For a lot of building a lot of concrete is being used. Why is this needed around the building? Why not let the nature decide what surrounds your house? With some extra piece of ground that is unused look for a try to plant to give back to nature what has been taken.

In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences. -Robert Green Ingersoll

An easier method of preservation is to not waste any resources. Renewable energy comes from nature and can be sustained without harming nature. The sun shines for everyone, collecting the solar energy allows us to grab what nature gives without destroying it. Without solar panels the sun shines on our roofs without getting the benefit from it. Nature will not punish us straight away for what we do to it. However we only have one chance of enjoying nature. Once it has been destroyed it will not return.

A different component of saving nature is not wasting the products that have been made or the natural resources we have. For example we often waste water to perform activities that don’t matter. For example keeping the water running while brushing our teeth or constantly watering our plants to keep them in a better than perfect state. If we accept nature as it is the plants that are supposed to be here will  survive the rain or the lack thereoff. Take care of the nature surrounding you means taking care of your future. Without supporting earth there will be no bright future for us and our children.