Get to the bottom of the problem

What is your problem?

Life is difficult there are many problems out there. Instead of solely getting rid of the issue attempt to find the source of the problem. When the route is discovered it can be permanently solved and avoided in the future.

An example of a problem is why you are having trouble succeeding at school. The reason may be that you sacrifice your sleep too much or you decided to pick a certain subject which unfortunately doesn’t resonate with you. No matter how difficult it may seem the most important is to figure out what is holding you back. The same thing goes for just being unable to hold a job. How are the people you are working with and what do you have to do? Taking on the job with the highest pay is not always the best choice. Knowing that what you are doing influences others will motivate you way more than any money could ever do.

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. – Duke Ellington

Taking the last example of not being able to hold a job this may seem a big problem that you will never get over. However if anything is not going as you would want it’s your chance to step up and change things up. Any problem you solve from the bottum up allows you to become more experienced and know how to avoid problems further down the route. Finding solutions to problems is something that is needed for becoming healthy and to be consistent with fitness. If some part of your body aches it could be solved quickly, or it could take a long time to recover. The faster you find the reason of the pain the quicker you can get back to it.

Sometimes the origin of the pain may be difficult to be found. Let’s take a personal problem I have had. A heavy pain in the neck and shoulder region made me think of an injury caused by working out. Weeks and weeks of rest seemed to solve the problem. Starting to workout again brought the problem up again. In the end it was not the working out that was the initial problem. It appeared to be the air conditioning in my car. The constant “fresh air” on the same area caused the muscles to get damaged.