Comparison can be detrimental

Who do you compare yourself to?

Long ago we only knew the people we met. Now we are also in “contact” with people that we never heard of except for their friend request on social media. So now you will see images of someone’s best moments in life, without seeing everything that happens behind closed doors.

Think about the last time you saw great pictures of a happy couple and short afterwards their great relationship finishes all of a sudden. This doesn’t happen from one day to the next so something was happening without you knowing. Don’t look at pictures thinking how great their life is and how your life doesn’t compare to it. They may have things going on that you are not aware of. Rather look at your life and how you can improve it. If you see others in a worse position than yours you can grab the moment as a external motivation to keep pushing. But in the opposition position don’t let it discourage you.

Comparison is an act of violence against the self. – Iyanla Vanzant

It has become rather difficult to avoid comparing ourselves to the people around us. Because of our social media we are constantly confronted with how our peers are doing. However your upbringing and your specific situation is never the same as the person next to you. So comparing the two is unfair and even impossible. For example if you compare how your finances are while you have children and your friend doesn’t have any there is no sensible way of comparing the two situations.

Instead of looking at the person next to you look in the mirror and see how you performed last year. Your situation is very similar to yourself a year ago. Your situation may have been worse or better a year ago but at least everything before it is the same for both. If you make sure to constantly improve and implement new positive habits your situation will very likely be better next year. Improve year after year and receive the long time benefits.


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