Having a daily routine boosts your life

daily routine
The importance of a daily routine


Do you set your alarm, role out of bed and hurry to work? This article will show you why every morning can and should be fun and preferably be productive. The morning is often considered to be the annoying part of the day where we need to wake up and get out of our warm, cosy bed. How you look at your morning is completely based on how much hours you slept, what you spend your morning time on and also partly if you are a morning person.

Your evening routine (or lack of) will heavily influence how you wake up in the morning. When you look a movie every night before going to bed you are at risk of going to bed later than planned and later than is ideal for you. Leaving a movie halfway to be able to go to bed is extremely difficult. I have tried this, and succeeded, but it doesn’t feel right to leave a movie hanging. It’s the same as serie creators that leave you with a major cliffhanger at the end of a season. Next week there will be an article about your evening routine.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. – Mike Murdock

We all have the same amount of hours in a day. Yes, we have different responsibilities and one person has more free hours than the other. But we all decide on how we spend those hours. By implementing a daily routine we can supplement our life to become better. When we work full time, and have other responsibilities there is only one option. That is to use some of your time to do the usefull activities.

Making time for a daily routine is the easiest in either the morning or the evening, depending on your life. If you are bringing your children to school in the morning you will likely be able to implement a evening routine when they went to bed.

Creating daily habits will help you to become more efficient with your day. Instead of scrolling through your social media you can spend your time wisely. Friday an article will be posted about creating a morning routine.