Optimize your habits

Implement your good habits close to a current habit

Life has many habits, some better than others. Most of them are being triggered by daily activities. For example smoking is often triggired when you have a break or for some when you are going out at friday evening. Drinking alcohol will happen more when meeting friends rather than being at home.

While some triggers will cause you to endulge in bad habits you can use this knowledge to implement positive habits. When you wake up you didn’t drink anything for many hours. So it’s a great habit to drink a glass of water after you wake up. Another habit you can implement in the morning is to meditate before or after the glass of water. As long as you have one habit that you have been doing consistenly for a long time you are able to stack a couple of little habits on top of it. For example brushing your teeth in the morning can be followed up by listing what you want to finish today and checking whether or not you have to stop at a shop later in the day.

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. – Jules Renard

Besides stacking habits there exists also the possibility of reminding yourself that you have to do something every so often. This can be achieved by putting something in your room to perform a certain activity. For example hang a list of to-do’s at the door of your room on the inside. Whenever you see it you can perform it. This can include to drink a glass of water, to walk around for 3 minutes, to take a healthy snack or to learn a new word in a different language. Another possibility is to put your guitar out in sight so whenever you have some time you can play guitar instead of doing something non-productive.

A different opportunity to do a certain task is to determine what your relationship is to a certain object in your room or house. For example if you use your couch to lay for hours and do nothing you have a negative connection with it if you want to be more productive. Yet if there is a certain couch you only sit in to play a music instrument or that you use to study it’s a motivation to get back to it. How you structure your habits are not important. Some people go for a  walk in the morning others in the afternoon and even others after work. When you do it is of no importance as long as you manage to perform it.



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