Ending your day on a positive note

Find your way of relaxing at evening

How you are waking up in the morning depends on how you ended your evening.  Having a perfect morning routine only satisfies if you enjoy your evening. This is very important when preparing for a busy day. All of our lifes are so busy that we rarely find the time for relaxing. We end up driving home when everyone does, doubling the time it takes to arrive.

We start with scrolling through our facebook news and short videos about what happened during the day. Before we know it an hour has passed. We fill up our time completely without leaving some space for recovering from our day. Consider to plan in some time to actually do nothing. To let your mind roam freely.


You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. – George Horace Lorimer

There are a couple activities that are enjoyable but should be attempted to be skipped, at least some days of the week. One example is watching a movie at the end of your evening, right before you go to bed. This has two negative effects. If will prevent you from going to bed early, especially if you decide to start watching when it is already late at night. The second thing it does is the light produced by the screen will make it harder on you to fall asleep afterwards.

The best activity to end your evening with is enjoying a good book. Reading helps you close yourself off from anything that is going on in your life and to be completely emerged into the storyline. It teaches you how to focus you attention to one thing for an extended period of time. This will be particularly true when the storyline of the book really resonances with you.

The routine has to be based on how you like it. Some extra activities that you can add to your evening routine are meditating, going for an evening walk, taking a relaxing bath or talking to a friend about your day.