Build your habits to change your life

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Life changing habits

We have talked about changing your morning and evening routine. Hopefully you have taken the advise to heart and adopted your own routine. How are you liking it so far? Let us know in the comment section below.

A simple step to take, yet such a difficult one is by implementing a first good habit. If you would ask any succesfull business man, in any profession they would all agree on one thing. They are not special in any degree. The difference between them and the general population is that they are aware of the importance of habit building.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Will Durant

Changing our life requires the courage to take the first step towards change. Finding that one habit to permanently start the change chain is key to improve. All these articles about habits, morning or evening routine, daily activities are written to teach you one thing. No matter how many articles you read, no matter how many advise you receive. Start with adding one good habit into your life. After reading about habits, take 15 minutes of your day to think about habits that you would like to add to your day. Don’t overestimate your time, choose one habit at a time to add to your life.

Have you figured which habit you want to implement in your daily routine? If not, close this article right now and find something to start your journey with!

Considering you are thinking about a new habit we will finish with some ideas to start with. Pick one or think of something different and start. Drinking an extra glass of water in the morning, eating a piece of fruit during the day,  go for a walk in the fresh air during your break, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a jog before leaving to work, squeeze some orange juice in the morning, keep some time free for a evening workout, read a book before going to bed, practise being mindfull of your environment and of the here and now.

Good luck with your new habit and come back friday for an article about how to improve more and how to turn your habit into a passion.