Enjoy the end of the year without feeling guilty

Enjoy the holidays

All year long we spend a lot of time and effort to build and maintain our health. It requires effort but it isn’t as hard as it could be in the end of the year. At the end of the year there is always some kind of festivity. Often times it’s family time, food included.

At these parties not everyone understands that you have your health goals and have them as a priority. If you have been following your plan for the majority of the year and been keeping it kinda healthy most of the time there is some room to adjust. Each year only has one ending of the year. So don’t feel bad if you endulge a bit more than the rest of the year. Enjoying the great time with your family without stressing too much what you are doing to your health. Of course this doesn’t mean you have to let everything go and 4 times as much as normal.

In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future. -Alex Haley

Family is so important they will know what is important for you and will also understand that if you worked so hard on your health in the year that you will not let it completely slip now. They have known you for the longest and best of everyone. So they are the first ones to get it. Your family will support you through everything, including if this means a less royal eating fest than usual. A different approach that you can apply is by consuming a bit more calories at the party but reduce the food intake before and/or after that meal. This doesn’t have to even out everything, but it will reduce the calorie overflow.

Did you receive more than one invitation for a party? See if they can be combined somehow or determine at which party it’s the easiest to not eat as much. Maybe you also have your friends inviting you, where one of the friends is on a similar goal as you. If they have hinted to you earlier that they dislike going to restaurants with the friends or accept a food party invitation they may struggle to say no in similar situations. You can contact them and see what the reasons is they normally don’t go. If you find common ground one of you can decline a certain food offer so the other has an easier time. Power can be food in more people going for the same goal using the same strategy.