The heaviest burdens are carried by the strongest people

How much mental weight can you bear?

When something extremely bad happens we are often sad that it has to happen to us. Why do I, out of all the people, have to go through this? Instead of only seeing it as a negative effect you can also use this moment to appreciate that you are allowed to go through it and become more stable and strong afterwards. There is nothing that can be changed anyway, accept the situation and the growth that is generated.

Sometimes in life there are challenges that either you go through or the people you know have to go through it. An example is when you are sitting in a class and the teachers asks that only one person has to prepare a presentation to teach the others about a certain topic. Why would you skip this opportunity for growth while having to put strain or stress onto other people? Others will benefit from you taking the burden off their shoulders and you receive the benefit of becoming stronger. The strongest people are the ones who had to go through difficult challenges.

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else. – Charles Dickens

Because of the internet it has become increasingly easy to research anything without having to talk to people or having to go to a library yourself. Years ago when someone had to write a thesis it was impossible to do this without research in a physical library. Now there are more and more thesises being written from the comfort of their home. Like with many things out there it has become easier to come by information and we have to struggle less to get the needed information. Because of these new methods it becomes rare to have to struggle for something in life untill something difficult crosses your path.

If you take on difficult challenges without taking the easy route you will improve your life and your skills beyond expectation. Start taking the harder route and you will see the benefits. For example when a erasmus student comes to your school you could easily let someone else to do the work to explain things. But instead of letting them do it take the effort of meeting them and help them out where possible. You will learn things from them that others don’t and maybe you will have a friend for life.