Feel the benefit of accomplishment

Scale the ladder of success

We started 2022 for a while now. Time to look back and forward to see how our goals are going so far. When you have set a goal it’s important to consider how you are doing from time to time. Often times it’s difficult to track your progress untill you have achieved a decently sized goal. While it may not be easy to track it you should be happy and satisfied if you have completed one of your goals. No matter how small the achieved goal is there is benefits for you to reap.

For example one of the goals might be to strive for a certain amount of money to have as a buffer for when you encounter an issue. You might have only achieved 10% of your goal, but going for it should be enough to feel the benefit of coming closer to the end goal. The further you end up towards your goal the bigger the benefits will become. Once the goal is achieved you can set a new stepping stone and enjoy the feeling of being able to defeat any adversity standing in your way.

Everybody starts at the top, and then has the problem of staying there. Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline. – Helen Hayes

To get the feeling of accomplishment it’s important to continue pushing towards your goals. The longer and the more steady you are with working towards something the better it will feel getting closer to the goal and achieving it in the end. There is no greater joy than accomplishing a feat that is deamed impossible by many before you. For example you might talk with your friends about starting a business for yourself in your sparetime while currently keeping your 9-5 job. You might work a lot more because you spend your normal hours at your day job, at night you are working towards your own business. While others feel it as impossible you are working hard to achieve future success.

Arriving at the peak where you want to is not an easy thing. But remaining there is even harder. For example you might be studying at the university taking subject after subject. While succeeding one year it requires dedication and persistence to maintain on the path. Instead of slacking of for a year you have to continue and push through any sticking points. While others may give up to succeed you have to fight untill you achieve what you desired. The harder you have been working and the more difficult something is the more you will benefit from finally achieving it.