Resolving issues to improve

What do you have to fix?

As last year has shown a lot of issues can pop-up anytime. When something happens like having a discussion at work it’s quick to hop off and search for something else. However when thins get difficult it’s time to tackle them head on so you can improve.

One of the issues that can appear is having a challenge that you are not familiar with. For example at your work a new coworker may arrive, coming from a different company with a lot more experience than you. The coworker is challenging your experience and want to become the most worthy employee the moment they arrive. This could be a challenge you never had before. This could go very wrong and cause a lot of discussion between you. Instead of constantly battling them take the moment to learn new things from them which you can implement into your life. It may be a difficult moment for you, but don’t see it as a problem but a possibility for improvement.

Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. – Napoleon Hill

If we look at the issue above there are many situations that can either end up being positive or negative, it all depends how you look at it. Meeting someone who creates problems for you is difficult, but the different view on your life may help you. When someone criticizes you it’s difficult to take it as a method to help you grow. There are people who want to help you, but don’t know how to tell you what you are doing wrong. Instead of saying something the first time something goes wrong they point to a mistake that they have never told you anything about. Despite the bad method of implementation of the other person you can still use it for growth.

Sometimes life happens to us and it makes it more difficult to continue on the path we are going. For example you may have close family that has a certain expectation of how well you will do. It will be harder for you to keep studying seeing that you have the extra pressure. If you know that the education is the thing you want to achieve you will have to see it through. After your education you will feel a burden falling off of your shoulders. Afterwards looking back you realise under how much pressure you were. Solving your personal issues will help you grow.