How to improve your friendship

laughing with friends
Enjoy good friendships

Friendship is really important. But how can we improve these friendship and the moments we share? There is no golden tip that can make any friendship better, because everyone is different and every friendship is different. Even when meeting up with a group of friends at the same time, everyone is different in the group dynamics change ever so slightly depeninding on who shows up.However there are some tips that can be given to improve almost any friendship.

When meeting someone new or visiting a old friend it is important to keep true to yourself, stay who you are. If people don’t like you for yourself then it is not going to work out. They have to love you for who you are for the friendship to be longlasting and mutually enjoyable. As long as you both enjoy your friendship you look forward to meeting again soon. The more you meet up the better and more comfortable you will feel.

Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace. – Christie Brinkley

Whether you find new people or meet up with friend a good remedy to improve the relationship is by smiling or laughing genuintly. A smile does wonders. Especially if you consider or social media driven society. This leads us to the next tip. When you are with friends make sure to turn your phone on quit and/or remove your social media from your attention.

Your friends will rarely, or never, mention that they appreciate your full attention, but you will notice it. When you hold tight on your believe of no phone during communication you will see who is willing to do the same. You will be able to enjoy moments with your friends in silence. With no need of empty filling of your time. Like taking out your phone to check the latest facebook messages. Which are still there when you are back home, or even when you wake up the next morning.

Prioritise your friends over other activities to see a huge improvement. Improving your friendship isn’t a day activity. Creating a good friend is like creating a good wine. It takes time to ripen. Be with your friends, enjoy your time and relax. Who knows you might enjoy that tasty, refined wine 15 years from now with your best friend.

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