Success lies in small actions

Do you look at the end goal or at the first steps?

The new year has started a while ago now. Time to look back at how it went so far. When we set goals with the new year in sight we tend to think about big goals that seem impossible to obtain. When you see a staircase with 500 steps going up it’s hard to stay consistent on it and to persist.

The only way to succeed a big goal is by breaking it up into smaller steps. Instead of seeing the complete picture create 10 steps that bring you a first platform that allows you to have some rest. An example is attempting to run a marathon. Instead of focussing on completing a marathon in a month take your time to slowly build up towards it. If your living a not so healthy life at the moment start with some walks, swimming and or some biking. If you have been doing some healthy things on and off you can still start out this way, or you can start going for regular jogging.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu

Taking small steps may look like you will never achieve the end goal. However it’s rather trying to take to big steps at once that will prevent you from ever achieving your goal. You will either start to get demotivated because it’s too much of an intense training or you will get injured causing you to quit. Taking small regular steps will avoid you getting burned out. Consider a little morning jog a couple days a week for 20 mins versus a grueling hour long workout of running every day of the week. If you find the small steps too boring nothing stops you from combining the two. Instead of only doing 20 minutes trainings you can add in a longer session once a week.

If you ask anyone that you know what their habits are you will see what they are setting up themselves for. Ask your friends what their habits are and ask them again in 2 years. See if they either have more habits or at least maintained their current ones. The persons that have given up on their habits will no longer have a impressive growth. They may still be succussful, but those who continue to sharpen their skills by maintaing their habits they will really shine in a couple of years. Find the habits that you will need to achieve your end goals. If your friends have certain goals that you would like to implement in your life be sure to do so. You don’t have to implement them 1 on 1, adjust as much as you would like. As long as you are able to maintain the beneficial habit for future growth.