Safety creates freedom

What does safety look like?

A certain level of safety may seem dangerous for you while for others it’s safe enough. As example some people like a stable job for security others like to start their own business and crave the challenge it gives while having just enough to survive.

Some people tend to look for challenges and risks in their job every day, others like the grind of doing exactly the same every hour of their workday. They can perform their work on automatic pilot. Regardless of how safety looks like for you when you have the feeling of being safe you will create freedom for yourself. Aslong as you are feeling safe you have room to experiment on things that are important for you. For example if you feel safe with the money you earn you allow yourself to try new things to find new possibilities.

Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands. – Jeff Cooper

While everyone wants a form of safety the level that is required is for everyone different. Luckily not every needs or expects the same level of safety. Because if everyone needs the same then our world would have a lot of issues that couldn’t be ressolved. For example some people freelance for others, it creates freedom for themselves and the other party has the ability to switch between freelancers without being limited in their flexibility.

The amount of safety we need in different areas of life are also different. Some want financial safety, others want to have family at home that they can count on, others want to have a stable job where they are being challenged everyday but know they will remain at their job despite the difficulties heading there way. While you need a certain protection you wont neither the other one. For example you may want to get paid enough, but don’t need the safety of remaining at the same place for too long. This allows you to travel the world for your company showing flexibility in work area.

Determine what rules of safety are important for you so you can focus on them. At the same time reflect on safety aspects that are neglectable for you. While knowing these two you can find the perfect situation for you where you can shine with the flexibility you have while maintaining the safety you need. When you have found the perfect place to be you will create freedom for yourself so you have room to alter where needed.