Focus on the important things in life

setting priorities
Find what is important for you

Last week we talked about obtaining goals. To continue on that path let’s talk about setting your priorities. Going from day to day without a set plan makes us lose control of our time. To be able to do what is necessary we need to set our general priorities first. There are different ways to approach this, and there is no set and stone order for your priorities.

What is the most important for you to achieve? Let us take a look at how I approach my priorities. First of setting something on a very high priority does not mean you have to be spending a lot of time doing it. Set out a certain amount of time to use for your priority and head on to the next one. My first priority is working out, for 5 days a week an hour a day. There is almost nothing that can overtake this priority. It is something very important for every part of my life.

Action expresses priorities. – Mahatma Gandhi

Working out every day without exceptions proves that you set it as a priority. Only then people will realise how important it is to you and that you are not willing to ignore it. That being said, having something as your top priority does not mean you can’t decide to adjust it depending on your life. For example: you typically workout in the early afternoon. When you get an invitation to meet up on saturday afternoon, you can turn around your shedule and workout in the morning.

When you want to create a list of priorities look at which actions you prioritize without thinking about it. If you adjust your shedule to meeting up with friends, you already found one priority in your life. Spending time with friends and family is something that should be important for everyone. When everything goes great you can share your happiness with them. When times are more difficult they can help you get passed it.

The actions you take unconsciously don’t have to become important. You can take a conscious decision of changing your routine and focussing on the things you would love to do. This way you can implement something new in your life and still make it one of your main activities. Just like writing articles can be something that you never done before, but suddenly start doing and maintaining it as a standard activity. Another nice activity this can apply to is meditation. Just set aside 10 minutes in your day to meditate.

Think about what you want to do and decide how often you want to do it. Is there something that you always wanted to achieve? Find time to spend on it everyday and implement it into your life. Personally I decided a few months ago to finally start the journey towards playing music. It is a part of my life now and I plan on maintaining this hobby in my life. Leave a comment and let me know what activity you want to implement into your life.

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  1. Pingback: Focus on the important things in life | Fox&Co. Mental Health

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