Stand strong, even if you stand alone

Are you strong even if you are standing alone?

People are made to be surrounded by other people. But how do you act when you are being challenged while having to take it on your own? If something unfair happens it’s easy enough to stand up for the other person if someone takes the first step. But if no one else is nearby, will you be strong and speak where needed?

A situation where you should stand strong is where you set certain goals for yourself which might not be the goals that the people around you would appreciate. An example is your parents want you to go to university for a certain degree. You are not interested in that degree or the work that it can bring you. You have been working hard on a hobby that you want to turn into your profession. There are plenty of ways to achieve your goals. One is by going to work a fulltime job while building your own business on the side. A different possibility is actually going for the degree while building your business during your education. The last possibility is to not go for the degree and not start a fulltime job but starting your business right away. The last option is the most dangerous and you should figure out if this is an option for you.

I always tell young people to hold on to their dreams. And sometimes you have to stand up for what you think is right even if you have to stand alone. – Claudette Colvin

Make sure to set your principles and stay true to them no matter what happens. Rather then following them only when it suits you apply them in every situation. The more often you stand true to your principles the stronger they will be routed. You principles will be part of who you are and it will improve how strong you are in any situation. For example you can promise yourself to always stand up for someone who is scared to speak up to an unfair situation. If your boss is giving one of your colleagues a hard time because of something they didn’t do then speak up. Yes, it’s your boss, you should respect them as much as you expect anyone else. However the fact that they are your boss doesn’t mean that you can’t speak against them if the situation requires it.

Sometimes we are afraid that standing up for our principles will hurt us our will hurt how others think about us. The main thought to accept is that what other people think of you are not important. But even if you are bothered what others think there is no problem. When you are sticking with your principles, even against the person you use the principle against, they will after some time respect that you defend you principles. They may not agree with your point of view, but there is no harm in having different opinions. If everyone would think the same and act the same then life would be really boring.

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