Your performance is based on your fuel

What do your meals consist of?

For a great health we often solely think about the fact that we have to work out, move or stay active. The component that is quickly forgotten is the food that we eat. If you think about the performance of a car it wont be driving that great with an expensive motor but with bad fuel.

To create a great health both movement and healthy food is required. One without the other can improve your life slightly but it will never bring the results you dream of. If you eat healthy but never move your body will lack the benefits that movement has on our body. If you frequently go for a hike but always eat fastfood your body will not deliver a peek performance. The combination of the two together will improve your health exponentially. As you eat healthy your body will absorb all the nutrients it needs for the best performance. With this performance your workouts will be great, these great workouts will give the best results. After such a great workouts you will feel more inclined to eat healthy to keep getting the best results. This creates a positive chain of benefits one after each other.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. – Hippocrates

When we eat unhealthy our body is getting sick, during this sickness we go to a doctor. The doctor will prescribe certain medicines to supplement our food intake to have the perfect combination of nutrients and vitamins. If we anticipate this problem you can eat healthy food as a medicine taken as a prevention. Improvement in life happens if we change our life in small steps. The moment you decide that healthy food is important in life you are taking a huge step towards a healthy life.

Often we focus on achieving great success by working hard towards it. What we neglect is to have our environment set us up for success. For example if you want to pass a certain exam you may study very hard to get a good grade. However instead of solely focussing on studying you might get better results by making sure you study, you get enough sleep and have healthy eating habits. If instead of eating healthy you are eating fast food all the time your brain will be unable to perform as good. Fuel your body with the correct food and you will reap the benefits from it.