Help where you can

Reach out to others to help them

People need a helping hand more often than we expect. Life is challenging and busy for most people, this means that a lot of people don’t even consider trying to look around them to see if someone is struggling and needs some help.

There are plenty of persons you meet every day, however we barely speak to them let alone offer them help where needed. If we just open our eyes and ears it’s easy enough to spot persons in need of help. This doesn’t require you to pay for something, listening to their problems, giving your opinion on situations or find someone who can really help them will be plenty of help. If you don’t want to continue to look for people who need your help let your friends and family know that they can count on you if they need help with anything.

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. – Mother Teresa

No one is perfect, helping out everyone who needs it will be impossible. You will not have enough time and experience to find a way to help everyone. But if instead of only thinking about yourself you keep your eyes open for the people around you there might be one person you can help. If everyone would help one person the world would be a better place for it. Instead of focussing on what you can’t do, pay attention to the opportunities where you can help someone. For example if you see an elderly wanting to cross a street offer to walk with them and support them if needed. It’s just a simple gesture but you would want others to do the same for your parents, or for you in the future.

Every person you are helping might be the person that helps you in a future situation. Maybe even better they could help your friends or family when they meet them at the right time where they need help and you aren’t around. It only takes a small effort to help others out and it will improve a lot of lifes. For example you might see someone in front of you drop their wallet, you can stop them and hand over their wallet. In a couple of years they may be the person who sees that your child is being assaulted and helps them out in this time of need. You don’t have to help everyone you meet just stepping outside of your comfortzone once in a while will help plenty of people.