What is the meaning of food for you?

How do you eat food?

There are plenty of ways to look at food. Some people focus on eating what they like, others focus on health, but there are also people who use food as comfort food.

The way you look at food will determine if they have a positive or negative influence on our life. There is a method that promotes creating better influences and that is to see food as fuel. Your body has to function, to have it perform well focussing on healthy foods will benefit you greatly. If you eat when you need to comfort yourself you will always grab food when the situation “calls” for it. This is one of the worst connections with food. Because you will feel a positive connection with food but it will negatively influence your health.

One should eat to live, not live to eat. – Moliere

Food fulfills different needs for different people. We shouldn’t focus so much on constantly eating and only getting enjoyment out of food. Enjoying a good meal is great, but if it means that you always look for the food that gives you the most enjoyment your health can suffer from it. Enjoying being with your friends, spending time with them, doesn’t require you to go and eat out all the time. Start seeing the pleasure in the small things of life and your health will improve without your pleasure decreases.

Sitting in front of the television in the evening and ordering a pizza for a late night snack can allow you to enjoy your evening. There is nothing with doing this from time to time, however if it becomes a habit there might be something wrong. Rather build healthy food eating habits and adopt a small cheat meal once in a while. Adding health as a priority in life doesn’t force your meals to become boring. It’s only the way you look at your options of food that will determine if it’s boring. For example you could eat oats for the health benefit and hate every piece of it. However if you decide to add in different types of fruit each day you will continue to experiment with different fruits and tastes. This will keep it different and enjoyable for a long time. The time will pass that is required for you to have built the healthy habit.