Let your actions speak louder

Work on it instead of talking about it

Obtaining goals for yourself are important, but rather then speaking about what you want to achieve perform the necessary steps to complete them. People seem interested when you are talking about an awesome goal you want to complete. No one talks about what the effect is when you don’t talk about your goals but other see what you have achieved.

One of the examples of great goals is improvement that you strive for at your work. Instead of talking about following a course in your free-time to improve your performance follow it and let it shine through in your work. People will not only notice that you have become better, but they will even wonder how you did it. Because you don’t brag about what you were going to do the benefits will be even better. The only downfall is that you have to make sure that the course you are following will bring you benefits.

Action expresses priorities. – Mahatma Gandhi

Sometimes we express how we set a certain positive priority. For example I’m eating healthy to make sure that I can support my family. Instead of explaining what you priorities are focus on building the priority and letting it shine through your actions. Instead of grabbing fast food either cook for yourself at home or avoid the fast food and pick something healthy. When you maintain these great habits your family and friends will notice. Because you are not solely talking about it but acting on it there is less chance that they will fight it. If however they want to fight your decision they feel like they are going against core of living from the last months instead of going against a possible change. This will prevent a lot of people to argue about it, if the discussion pop up you will know why you are doing it and will feel more connected to the actions you have taken. Therefore they will know how important it is for you.

Silence is golden, talking is silver. If you talk about what you are planning or what you accomplished the result is weaker. Instead of explaining everything let your actions speak instead. Actions are so much stronger than words. For example if you think your family is the most important part of your life give them the time they need. Don’t sit at work talking about how much you like your family but go home at time so you spend time with them. From the moment you turn your words into actions people will notice without you having to say anything about it. Focus on yourself, your goals and don’t mind what others think about you. You’ll have more energy for the things you need and the results will come in quick.