Pay attention to your character

Look for strong feats of your own character

As a newborn we have similar situations as many others. The older we become the more clearer our character will come through. The environment we are surrounded with will quickly change compared to our peers. This can have a positive or negative impact.

When you have some bad influences in your life you may have to fight harder mentally and sometimes every physically. Some people want to move themselves away from any potential risks or adversity. However only when you have to go through them you have a real posibility to build your character. At that specific moment it may seem like a hindrance rather than a blessing. Despite this feeling it will improve your character and you will be able to use this for many years to come.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. – Abraham Lincoln

If the people around you notice how much of a struggle you went through you are building reputation. You receive some credit for the hard work you went through and it can be used in the future when you are going through something difficult once again. Reputation is very difficult to build and very easy to get rid of. This is the reason why you should never be focussed on building your reputation. Focus your efforts on building your character, this will remain with you even if you lose your reputation. Character is what reputation is build on.

We tend to only look at how much respect we get from others, what we forget is that it first requires hard work so that others can respect you. They need to see your hard work and what your character is before they can trust you and show you respect. Look for challenges in life and take them head on. Going through these difficult situations will promote becoming stronger and more resilient against adversity. When people around you are undergoing difficult situations you can see how they try to get over it. Anyone going through them earn our respect and will receive more support.