Be ready for new opportunities

Prepare yourself to grab opporunities

When we see people who get lucky we consider them blessed or why do they get so lucky and why don’t I? The issue is that everyone might get lucky but we aren’t ready to grab this.

If you want to become lucky you have to prepare your life to be able to accept anything coming up. An example is creating a business of your own while you are still fulltime at work. If you start a business for example writing e-books, you are practising how to write and you are becoming better at is. If at some point you see an advertisement for writing certain articles you can show your work and you may get accepted for that extra job you can write in the weekends. From the outside it appears that you got lucky, while instead of only working fulltime you used your time for growth and learned a new skill. The person that puts more effort in their life and work will be able to jump at a new opportunity.

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. – Milton Berle

The quote above shows how you should prepare for new opportunities, only if you anticipate what could arrive you can be ready for it. For example you are currently a normal employee. Yet you might be looking to receive a leadership role in your company. Learn how to be the leader in difficult situations and practise how to become better at it. When the time comes that a leadership position frees up they will look at your previous actions. Maybe instead of promoting you they recruit someone from outside the company. Take this moment to determine what the reasons are they were chosen and learn from it to improve yourself. If a different company looks for a leader you might be able to jump on it and improve your future.

When you are looking for new opportunities or for getting lucky you will be present in the moment and keeping a close eye on your environment. When an opportunity arises even for the shortest amount of time you can move straight into that direction. An example: you speak English but are also learning Spanish to move to Spain in a couple of years. If you meet a Spanish speaking person you can use this moment to improve your Spanish. In a couple of years there might be a interesting job that requires you to speak English and understand Spanish. Grabbing this opportunity may slowly bring you a connection to working abroad in Spain while getting paid extra because you had to move for the job. You are getting a higher pay because you “had to” move while this was your goal all along.