Stack positive habits to receive big rewards

How do you stack positive habits?

When we are looking to obtain certain achievements we think that it requires a lot of big steps to receive the end result. To obtain nice goals it’s rather the consistency over the large steps that are important.

For some goals it’s really obvious what is required for accomplishing what you need. For example to obtain better health eating healthy and having plenty of movement will improve your health. For other goals the steps to take may seem more difficult at first, yet there are always plenty of small steps you can take for improvement in the long run. An example that is difficult to achieve is to become the CEO of a company. There is not one thing you need to accomplish rather many small things. You need to be confident, trustworthy, respectfull, knowing how to lead and so on. You’ll not reach this in a year, but can take small steps each day to reach for your goal.

Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. – Warren Buffett

The first steps towards a new life are difficult. Slowly build a stack of positive habits through the years and you’ll see the benefits in a couple of years. Initially the habits don’t seem so beneficial. Use a little time every day and build on them day after day. For example if you look at Warren Buffett you have to start with considering what you spend your money on, keep some money on the side and use it to invest. Afterwards you are obtaining profits, reinvest them and you will earn interest on interest. Before you know you have a chain of very strong habits that will help you to never have to worry about money again.

To enjoy the benefits of this article you don’t have to be focussed on a large goal. Spend your time and effort on the things that are important for you. If you have extra time add some small habits that can benefit you in the long run. For example you can start on improving your health, the healthier are the better you can perform towards any goal you will set in the future. The same thing counts for meditation, become more calm and relaxed and you’ll be ready for any challenge. Improve some of these parts of your life now and be prepared better for anything you set your eyes on in a few years. While nothing is wrong with your health now your future self will thank you if you attempt to protect and improve it now that you have time.