You don’t need courage to take on risks

How much risk are you taking?

To improve a lot we are required to take some risk from time to time. Stay inside your comfortzone and you’ll remain in the same spot for years.

People often assume that to take risks you need a lot of courage. However people who take risks are not necessarily people who have courage, rather they know how to look through their fears. For example if you want to build your financial future you need to start investing at a young age. Yes, you are risking the money you are putting in, but if you are doing it with money you are willing to loose there is nothing wrong with a bit of risk. Rise above your fears, you are able to step outside of your comfortzone and take risks that others aren’t willing to take. Because no one dares to takes these risks you are the exception and there is a higher chance that you’ll get awesome rewards.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. – Nelson Mandela

Allowing yourself to take risks doesn’t mean that you have to take every risk. Instead of taking all the risks consider the options and pick the best option for yourself. For example accepting a job and switching again after a year might not be the best risk to take. If your job is decent stick it out a bit longer to learn everything there is to learn there. You never know if your next job will be better, so don’t just blindly take the jump towards something new. At the same time you don’t always have to take the risk. Someone may offer you a new job that earns more money. But what if the job sounds very boring? Don’t turn towards the big money if you are worried about hating what you would have to do in the new job.

Always look for the next opportunity to put your mind into it. If you are staying aware of everything going on around you you’ll be the one able to take the risks with the best rewards. An example you are going on a walk and you see that someone is being bullied by someone else. Jumping in is a risk but you are helping someone out and you’ll become more confident in many situations. Likewise investing your hard-earned money you are running the risk of losing money, but at the same time you are creating the opportunity to make a profit. Risks can be taken on by anyone, but avoid taking them on without assessing your risk tolerance first. People often say that investing or taking risks in general are not for everyone. However I think if you are considering how much risk you are willing to take everyone can take some risk and get the benefits from it.