Being alone can be positive

See the positive of every situation

When we are alone it often feels like no one cares about us and it can feel negative. However situations can be looked at in different ways. There can be a positive light on any situation in life.

Let’s look at an example. You are out alone going for a walk, you see a lot of people out with their family. Despite it may feel awkward you are enjoying yourself, you can look at the beautifull view as long as you want and you’ll have the highest chance for meeting new people when you are alone. The moment others see that you are alone they could come up to you and start a conversation. If you allow yourself to go out without having to hide between others you will start to get the benefits rapidly. The moment you are able to go out on your own you are no longer limited by the amount of times others accept your invitations.

The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. – Douglas Coupland

At first going out alone will feel like you are doing something wrong. But the more often you do it the easier it becomes. If you are always going out with others you will feel lonely the first time you are going out alone. While it may be difficult to force yourself, go locations on your own. After going through the first attempt you will start to enjoy it. Instead of seeing it as a hindrance you will start to see the benefits from it. You will get to learn a lot of things about yourself and see how far you can push yourself physically without needing the support of someone else.

Hiking on your own has some suprising benefits that we don’t expect. Besides the possibility of meeting new people it will be a lot easier to spot animals around you minding their own business. Because you are not talking to someone else your presence will not hinder the animals, this way you will see animals act a lot more natural. Instead of focussing on the other person you are seeing the beauty of the nature and you are becoming one with it. Another big benefit to consider is how you are becoming independant due to the fact that you are taking every decision while hiking on your own, you can’t follow someone else. Try it out for yourself and let me know how it worked out for you.