Being alone doesn’t have to be bad

Are you enjoying the benefits of being alone?

Some people are afraid to be alone, because they are afraid they reflect it on others. Standing alone at a certain moment doesn’t have to cause you to feel alone. If we think back to when we were younger everyone remembers a situation where we were alone and felt alone. However how we felt because of it back then doesn’t have to be repeated.

As with anything how we feel is being influenced how we think about it. For example you can travel alone to a place or a different country. While doing so you can opt for looking new things to do and to enjoy yourself or you can sit in your hotel and hope for the time to pass. You have the freedom to chose what you think about, so you are deciding how you feel about a subject. Instead of focussing so much on being alone at the moment you can pay attention to the beautifull nature around you. The same thing goes if for example you are working for an employer and have a couple of colleagues. In a couple of months it might be nice wheather, so they are taking a break. Instead of feeling that everything falls on your shoulders see this as an opportunity to learn and to take more responsibility.

I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone. – Robin Williams

Standing alone may seem unpleasant however it can also have it’s own set of benefits. Instead of being with toxic people who reduce your potential and your successrate you can chose to stand alone and stand strong. Staying with negative people will allow you to pretend that you have friends that care about you. However with the bad effects they will have on your life it’s better to be alone. Everyone knows one person in their life that they should have distanced themselves from. If there isn’t anything positive that they can bring to the table it’s better to slowly distance yourself from them. How you feel about being alone is your choice. It can sting or you can feel compete freedom.

Due to social media everyone is being pressured into doing activities and being the person they don’t want to be. On social media everyone shows the perfect situation and post images of going out with a bunch of people. (they probably don’t even know) Ignore the noise that goes around, be yourself. When you are alone you can focus on what is important for you without having to pay attention to the people around you. It may mean that you practise making music a lot, working out daily for an extended time of time, going for long walks, learning new skills and so on. It’s all about yourself what you want and how much time and effort you are willing to put into it.