Find your balance between pushing and preventing injuries

pushing yourself
Push yourself, but prevent injuries

Health is an important part of life, it is a great goal to reach towards. Everyone has their own goals, yet being healthy is an objective for everyone. You can become healthy by watching what you eat and make sure you get enough movement in.

Working out is an enjoyable method to maintain your health. To improve your health you can push yourself in every workout. Give the best you that you can in every workout. Pushing yourself helps you reach the best results. In turn these results will keep you motivated to continue the path you are going.


Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable. – Bill Gates

Pushing yourself during your workout is great, however you should learn to determine the boundaries of your body that you can’t surpass yet. It is better to temper your expectations for a while instead of pushing yourself too hard and getting injured for a couple of months. Focus your effort in pushing yourself in different ways, so you can prevent getting injured.

When working out don’t solely focus on short term results like lifting with more weights or increasing your musle mass. Instead of constantly increasing the weight, you can add reps or reduce your resting time. This way you can keep pushing yourself without getting injured.


I know some people that have achieved amazing results in an extremely short amount of time. However when putting our body through extreme conditions, our body may collapse under the pressure. The ones with the great results in a short time span often get injured for an extended period of time and never restart working out again.