See the positive in everything

Look for the positive

Life has many challenges. It’s an art to try to always find the positive side from it. For example because of reasons you can’t control you may get fired due to financial problems of the company you are working for. Everyone will feel bad emotions at this point but use this to find a new job where you can shine better.

When you are getting promoted it’s easy enough to see the positive, but what if the opposite happens? A depromotion has no positive side, or does it? When you are being depromoted you are not getting fired and you receive the chance to learn, improve and become better. From the moment you are being depromoted their might not be an opportunity for a promotion in the same company. However you can stay a bit to learn anything there still is and at the same time look for a new job to keep improving. If instead of being depromoted you are being fired this is a larger wake-up call. This will cut in your financial health in the short term, but it will motivate you to focus on growth more and you are likely to earn more in the next years if you remind yourself of the moment you were down there without a job.

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. – Willie Nelson

The benefit from thinking positive is that you are focussing on the positive and unconsciously are striving for it. For example you have been living unhealthy for 5 years. Now you want to change, instead of thinking about all the work think about the opportunities you’ll have if you start learning about health. If you are transforming your body and health you’ll have experience in how to become healthier. Persist in your journey for a healthier life so family and friends may follow your example. From this point onwards everyone will notice how you are able to continue your journey and become healthy. They will see the immense willpower you are building by staying consistent. While earlier your willpower was low you can now start to use your willpower for anything you desire. Want to hike on a huge mountain? Travel around the word? Anything you desire is a possibility now.

There are always situations that are harder to think about the positive but it’s always possible. If you have to study harder then others to pass an exam you are learning how to put effort into something. While others may pass their exam without studying much they can get in trouble later on in life not knowing how to work hard for something they desire. A different example is if someone close to you passes away. Out of experience I can say this hurts a lot and seems to have no positive side to it. However after years you’ll learn that you are less stressed about the small things. Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. At the same time you are learning how to cope with something that no one wants to go through. You are able to help others who need support and to learn how to get through the situation. Despite how it looks anything can have a positive side. Is there a situation where you learned that unlike how it seems you have learned to look at it differently? Let us know in the comments.