Recovery is key to fitness succes

rest is important
Rest is just as important as working out

As fitness enthousiasts we tend to focus on the eating and the working out. But equally as important is the recovery part of the equation. It really becomes clear how crucial it is when an injury occurs. Injury is our bodies protection mechanism to prevent further deterioration.

When you workout consistenly paying attention to your recovery is a difficult but crucial component to think about. Build in a standard one, preferably two rest days per week, to give you body time to recover. This way you get a break from your workout days to do other activities. Go and spend your day with your family or friends. Go for a roadtrip to the sea, fill up your day with something else or take a day do completely relax and do nothing.

take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in. -Jim Rohn

To recover your body in the long run, add some longer rests into your yearly routine. There are some guidlines that can be given, but be sure to listen to your body. Only you can feel how your body reacts.  A general recommendation is to take a week of rest every 1,5 to 2 months of workouts. If you push yourself really hard every workout, add in a week of rest after every 3-4 weeks.

Whenever you decide to take some time to recover, your body will thank you. During a rest week you will notice that some aches and pains will show up that you have never felt before. This is your body understanding that you are giving it time to recover. So it will take this time to heal any potential problem areas.

Our mucles don’t grow during the workout, but during recovery time. This is why recovery is important for our fitness success. Make sure to implement enough rest in between your workouts. Whenever you feel you are closing in to an injury, give your body extra time to recover and heal before the injury strikes.

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