Determine how you take your decisions

Decide how you take your decision

Did you ever wonder what the best method is on taking your decisions? There are many ways to take your decision and one of them is not always better than the other ones. A different situation can always require to take a different approach to taking your decision.

Letting others decide for you is one method that has the least benefits. Blindly following someone’s opinion should be avoided at all cost. Considering advice from someone with experience on the topic is a lot better. For example a friend has been improving their health by eating out less and cooking for themselves. When they explain how they decided to cook healthier and how they do it, it’s important to listen to them. Afterwards you can still decide for yourself if you follow their direction or you follow them and adding some adjustements. Instead of cooking every day like they do, you may want to focus on cooking once or twice a week and prepare your meals for the week.

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. – Tony Robbins

Certain goals in life are so large that we hardly think it’s possible to achieve them. While this may seem true anything in life is possible if you are taking the important decisions in life. Often it’s better to take a decision instead of avoiding it and to stay stuck in your current situation. Making a tiny decision is better than standing still. Taking a decision allows you to take steps no matter how small towards your goals. During the decision making be sure to consider the influence it has on your family. If you want to avoid negatively impacting the life of your family. An example is if you want to switch careers and decide to create your own business you need some margin of safety so your family can continue like they did before. The new business is freeing your mind to follow your passion, but at the same time it has to bring in the necessary money.

Find a method of making decisions that suits with your life. Once you found the method be sure to create a step-to-step guide on how you can decide quickly every time. The quicker you are able to make decisions the better your results will be. Instead of having to take ages before making your decision. A quick and good decision allows you to work longer on the overal performance instead of wasting your time on the decision making. However don’t fall in the trap of making decisions too quickly so that you will later regret the result. Finding the sweet spot between quick and slow decisions is difficult but important to find. Once people know you have found that spot they will ask you for help more often and you are building respect this way. You’ll become better at taking decisions and may be chosen for your quick decision to take on a new opportunity.