Focus on improvement instead of nothing at all

How quick are you?

When we aim for a certain goal we look at the long road ahead. Instead of being afraid and not starting at all start your journey and strive for your best every day. An example is attempting to get a better health. If you aren’t feeling like working out today just show up and you might the best workout you ever had. Because of the social media we see plenty of people bragging about how quickly they achieved something so we tend to want to copy how quick they accomplished something. The problem with this is that the rapid growth will cause us to get lost.

For example to increase our health we are required to get movement going, it may be taking a walk, riding a bike or working out with weights. To strive for the beach body that you witness on every single social media post you will be pushing to lift heavy weights or increase intensity constantly. While it may be a great way to improve your physique focussing on it too much can leave you injured. There are plenty of stories of people who exercised very intense for 6 months, gained an incredible physique, and then get injured. Because they haven’t taken the time to get used to working out this might be the moment they quit working out forever. This all out lifestyle is nothing for them for the long run, but their health will suffer from wanting things to quickly. If instead they took their time to start with the basics there was less pressure and they could maintain their health for many years.

I am a slow walker, but I never walk back. – Abraham Lincoln

When we are hyped it always seems best to sprint towards our goals. For accomplishing your goal quickly it’s the best option, but to remain consistent it’s often better to jog or walk instead of sprinting. An example for this is attempting to get healthier by implementing healthier food in your life. Moving from your old habits into more healthier ones is advised, but switching around everything all at once will cause problems further down the line. The big changements will feel like a punishment, something that you want to abandon quickly. If instead you take it step by step your life will not be changed too much. Don’t throw away all your old habits and change your life in one attempt.

Setting goals allows us to focus our attention on what we want to improve. It’s tempting to set multiple goals and focus on all of them at once. Creating multiple goals is fine, to cope with them it’s preferred to tackle them one by one. After finishing one goal you are ready to move on to the next one. The end objective to accomplish is to finish your goals slowly rather than setting up a lot of goals and complete none of them. Meet someone that sets and accomplishes goals once so often. Meet them again in a couple of years and you can see the benefits they gained from it. Are you looking for the awesome benefits of finishing goals? Think about the goal that is the most important for you and put all your efforts into it.