Finding new hiking areas near home

Citadel of Dinant (Belgium)

During these strange times we are tending towards enjoying our vacation in our own country, without having to drive too far.

Every country has it’s own benefits and stunning locations that is you don’t look for it you will never go for a walk there. Take a look at the picture above this article. This is a place called the “Citadel of Dinant”. It’s a beautifull area in the South of Belgium. Even the smallest countries in the world have some surprising places that are awesome to explore. It allows you to get a great day outdoors while it doesn’t have to cost much. It makes you enjoy your day at the same time that you are learning to get to know your country.

Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. – Steven Wright

Walking is very good for your body and mind. You can walk anywhere you would like to go to aslong as you enjoy what you are doing and have the time to do it. While setting the route you are going to walk you can plan the route depending on what you will see on your way there. You can chose walking through a forrest, next to water, houses, or anything else you like to see while hiking.

The more frequent you go for a walk the healthier you will become and the bigger the advantages become. You can do it purely for enjoyment yet receive all the amazing benefits. Since we are forbidden to travel to some countries or atleast advised not to go or to be carefull it is the perfect time to look for other areas. There are multiple ways to find these areas: do online research, talk to people for suggestions, take your bike or car and find signs pointing directions for a walk.