Help people by giving advice

Show your best self by giving advice
Growing up we get advice coming from every corner. Our parents, grandparents, teachers all have in common that they want to give as much advice as possible to help you reach your goals. Unfortunately we don’t realise soon that they are actually helping us and not trying to boss us around. When reaching a certain age we start to appreciate the advice more. For some people it starts when buying our first car. For others this is still a decision that we are capable of making ourselves, without asking for too much help. The moment where everyone appreciates advice is when we start to look for buying a own place.
Wise men don’t need advice, fools won’t take it. – Benjamin Franklin
Buying an appartment or house is the greatest, biggest investment of our entire life. So being at the receiving end of what to look out for while shopping for a place to life is very welcome. If you don’t like to ask people for help at least accept people their help if they offer it. You wont get hurt from action on advice that people have given you. At first it is incredibely difficult to allow people to give you tips. Being able to accept it and act on it is even more difficult. Let this article be a first step towards allowing people to give tips and consider following their advice. Ofcourse it is always the best to think about the advice before acting on them. Be open, but criticial about what people want to teach you. While learning a big concept be open for the idea and follow the thinking pattern of the person explaining it. Once you understand the pattern you can be critical on how the concept is set up and how they came to their conclusion. Think about potential different results and how they can influence the concept.