Find your perfect balance in life for success

How does your balanced life looks life?

To obtain success in life we want to accomplish our goals in different areas of our life. While it’s important to go for our goals it will not be possible to gain everything within a short timeframe.

To gather the best results you have to set your priorities. After setting your priorities you can attempt to set your balance. For example there are goals to go for in your professional life and there are in your personal life. While going for a promotion at work can be motivational to perform great at work you might also want to start a family. Neither personal or professional life will remain your priority all the time. Because with only one priority all the time you are sacrificing the other part in life. Either your family will be unhappy or you may risk losing your current job if you are always completely focussed on your private life.

There’s no such thing as work-life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences. – Jack Welch

Some people think it’s impossible to create a balance in work-life. It’s true that it’s extremely difficult to keep it in balance. However every decision you are taking influences the balance and can either pull it to one side or create a balance. A balance that someone has created may not be the perfect balance for you. There is no one-size-fits-all. Luckily not everyone’s balance looks the same. If everyone prioritizes the same goals we would all be in constant challenge with each other. Creating the balance is great, but there are always moment where we either are not willing or not able to create the balance. Their is no issue in focussing on either of the sides at a certain moment. As long as you are not focussed too long on one of the sides.

While it’s important to strive for a balance it’s not possible to be balanced all the time. For example consider when you finish your studies and enter the job market. At the start of the carreer it’s often required to put extra work and extra time in so that you are growing your skills and experiences rapidly. We often start working at a young age this allows many of us to first work on improving our work ethic before creating our own family. Others prefer to first build their family life while still studying and slightly focussing more on work after starting at their first job. There is no perfect route to follow which one you should focus on first. Everything depends on your own situation and what your priority is at the moment.