Spread your wings and talk to everyone

talk to people
Learn to enjoy talking to people

We conversate over the phone, through mail, via whatsapp or facebook. But real face-to-face conversation are becoming a lot less frequent. There is nothing wrong with not feeling comfortable in every conversation that you enter in.

A lot of people seem to want te be the biggest talker in the room, wanting to say something about everything. This article is not for the people who have mastered the art of talking. To these people I suggest to wait out for the next article about listening.

If you are someone, like me, who rather listens and do things instead of talking, this article is for you. It doesn’t matter how often you speak, but how condifent and especially how honest and present you are when talking.

What better way to connect with people than by staring and talking straight at them? Don’t blink – that’s one less connection you could have made. – Ze Frank

When talking to someone make sure to really look at the person you are talking to. When you are an introvert looking at everyone seems a daunting task. The positive side of the story is that you can practise both in different situations to combine them in the end. Take a honest look at yourself and see where you need the most practise in. Whether you need to take more initiative talking to people or to actually look in people’s eyes.

Sharing deep honest eye contact with people helps you to be more confident to be around people and to talk to them.When you get more comfortable talking to people you will notice it will be increasingly easier to look everyone in the eyes.