Silence is the hidden golden treasure of life

How silent can you be?

Anyone who believes they are important will talk about anything all the time. The people who are able and willing to be silent frequently are the ones who enable themselves to continue to learn instead of sharing their knowledge all the time.

When we are speaking we are using our brain to form the sentences and to find something to talk about. While being silent allows us to think about what the other person says and to get the most value out of what is being said. If you are speaking very often consider paying attention to the silent one of the group. A lot of people who decided that silence is something for them have long accepted that they will never be the center of attention. It makes them undervalued while they are often the ones with the most knowledge on the broadest range of topics. Instead of filling the room with chatter they are reflecting either on the topic at hand or are preparing themselves for what is coming next. For example when you are eating at work they are being their silent selves so they are ready for the best performance in the afternoon. Instead of emptying their batteries by talking about anything they are recovering how they like it the most: in silence, may it not be in the room at least their head will be silent.

Silence is better than unmeaning words. – Pythagoras

As people say “Still waters run deep”. People who are reserved, who don’t say much might be the ones with the richest/passionate lifes. From the outside it seems they are boring and there is nothing going on in their life. However it would be more like you have no clue what is going on in their life despite there might be a lot. While others are busy talking about everything and nothing at the same time the silent one can already think about their next move when they are alone again. They could have many hobbies, a busy personal life or even have a side hustle going in the hours that others relax. Next time you are surrounded with a lot of people, especially when there are multiple talkers, consider leaving the spotlight for a bit.

People who are able to stay silent while being in a group of persons are often times the smarter ones. The reasoning for this is if you are able to stay quiet on the outside there are more moment to be busy with your thoughts. With the external noise being reduced you allow yourself to reflect more on your life and on yourself. This uses the power of your brain and may be usefull to improve your brain. From the momen you are removing the external noise you will slowly be able to understand yourself better and potentially even reduce your background noise inside your head. When we are not busy talking (or listening) we let our brains do the heavy working. From the moment you do this frequently your brain will even allow complete rest by not thinking about anything. From this point onwards you can implement meditation, this will be a lot easier than for others who never let their brains wonder freely.

Silent reflection thinking, smart