Stay consistent no matter the strange circumstances

Remain consistent

When harder situations come up it’s more diffiuclt to stay motivated and to continue working on your goals. For example when you are focussing so much on becoming healthy but you happen to end up getting a disease your whole world turns around. Obviously fighting the new disease is more essential and should be focussed on, but this doesn’t mean you remain on track by opting for healthy food.

Trying to obtain your goal no matter the circumstances is something that not everyone pays attention to. However it’s important to realise that it’s possible and that you should aim towards it. One reason why many people decide on abonding their goal to become healthy is because they want to “live a little”, they no longer want to be the odd one out of their group of friends who “has to” pay attention to what they eat and drink. What we often forget is that we are not forced to do so, but it’s our goal to become healthy and we want to achieve it despite some controversy that might arrive. Instead of refusing to go out with our friends we can decide what we eat and drink and to not be influenced (negatively) by our friends. This may be difficult for you at first, but your friends will start to see what is important for you and that they have to support you with it. You are not forcing them to follow in your footsteps, you are only certain about what direction you want to go towards and this might slightly chance the plans.

Energy and persistence conquer all things. – Benjamin Franklin

Friends have known you for years, maybe even since your childhood. They have seen you going through a lot of situations. Most friends prefer to have everything staying the same as years ago. However when you set a certain goal for yourself things might change. This can be difficult for them to understand but if they are good friends they will sooner or later appreciate the hard work you are putting into it and will help you achieve your goals instead of hindering them. If your friends are negatively impacting your decisions for a short amount of time that is normal, they don’t want everything to change. However if they continue to work against you and cause you to doubt yourself and your goals there might be something wrong. Your friends should never put a constant feeling of self-doubt on you whether a goal is impacted or not.

Friends surround you because you share great moment and some lesser moments. You have been through so many situations together. You hopefully supported your friends when they were aiming for that degree they wanted, that high paying job or that home they wanted to rent. If you support your friends there should be no reason that they can’t support you on your goals. When every support goes one way, either from your friends to you or the other way around there is something wrong. Rather then it going only one way focus on giving support and receiving just as much. When you are not giving the support think about it and pay attention to start supporting and motivating your friends. If your friends are blocking your goals talk to them why they are not supporting you. Friends who will continue to refuse to support you, especially after talking about it may not be friends you want to stick around with. It’s not the person asking support that is at fault but the person that refuses to help where needed. In this situation you may want to consider stepping away from them and going your own direction to find new people to meet.