Everyone has weaknesses but it matters how you work with them

What part are you thinking about if you consider your weaknesses?

There are many skills in life, unfortunately they can’t all be our strength, or can they? Naturally there are some skills we are better than others. For example math, languages, sports and so on. But if one of the skills is your weakness does this has to be forever?

When we are great in something it often stems from initially liking it, spending more time on it and in turn becoming better at it. The best example for this is playing sports. If you are young and spend a lot of time running around at every chance you have you could become a great sprinter or marathon runner. If instead of playing sports all the time you are staying inside most of the time you will be less likely to enjoy sports. (for now) Not playing sports as a child does not equal to never playing or liking to play sports. Some of the biggest fans of playing sport only picked a certain sport when they already were adults.

My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength. – Michael Jordan

When you have something that you consider as a weakness of yourself you can also look at it being an opportunity for improvement. For example if you are unable to say no to your employer to work over while you have something to do with your family you are sacrificing your family for your work. While this may not seem great, but if you are aware it’s your weakness you can learn to improve on it. Say no once and see what the results will be. More often than not what you would have to do today could just as well be done tomorrow morning. Or it could teach your employer to give a notice when something urgent is coming up where possible.

To further explore your weaknesses think about how you would explain them when trying to get a new job. You aren’t going to say that you are silent, no you say you carefully listen to the people around you like your clients. Instead of blindlessly selling a specific product to yout clients you are listening to the clients their needs and manage to find something that they actually need. For example you work for a car dealer and you attempt to sell the most expensive car. If the sale works your company is going to get better from it. However if you are trying to sell them something they don’t want they will refuse. Even if you manage to convince them for buying the car they will probably be not so satisfied of your company because they sold them an expensive car. If instead you sold them a normal priced car this one sale may lead towards new customers. This shows you how something that seems a weakness can actually become a blessing.