Old habits don’t have to force you to become unhealthy

Do you hate your current habits and want to distance yourself from them?

What makes us unhealthy is not what we do that one evening a week when we are going out with friends. Rather what creates the negative impact on our health is the things we do out of habit and no longer think about.

An example is if we don’t plan when we are eating unhealthy but rather use bad food as an escape. Whenever something not so pleasant happens you are grabbing an unhealthy food choice. The problem with a bad habit is that you automatically fall back onto it without considering your other options. While you may just as well be inclined to eat a healthy option just because it’s your habit you will fall back on the one thing you always go for. How healthy you are can quickly change if you adjust your habits, instead of having all your old food habits at home either go shopping and get some healthy options or let someone else go shopping let them surprise you will healthy food so that you can fall back on those options.

There is no influence like the influence of habit. – Gilbert Parker

When you currently have an unhealthy habit you aren’t doomed for failure. You first have to realise that you shouldn’t keep up with the habit as much as you are right now. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a bit of fastfood here and there but when you are starting to eat it every day something is going the wrong direction. Want to change your life? Change your habits and everything will fall in place before you know it. A tiny habit that can help you rapidly is drinking a glass of water the first thing in the morning. It kickstarts your day and you will get a lot of benefits from it. Nothing has as much as an impact on our life as a habit does. Changing your life without thinking about your current habits is impossible.

Are you hooked onto your current habits? That isn’t an issue for improvement either. If you aren’t willing to change your current habits just add additional healthy habits too the mix. For example the glass of water like mentioned above, or start going for a walk a couple days in the week. When you implemented a habit like this you are slowly changing. Before you know you want to change your old habits to enjoy more benefits. For me personally I added going to work out and slowly I started to see the benefit of drinking water. It was added first, then I saw the benefits of eating healthy and enjoying that so that was implemented next. In just a couple of years my habits has changed from unhealthy to healthy habits and most importantly enjoying it. Changing habits shouldn’t be done out of obligation but because you want it.