Find your method of working out in the summer

Find your type of workout

Summer is fun to enjoy the beautfiul weather, but if you are serious about healthy movement it may be difficult to sustain a healthy work out plan during these hot weeks.

The first thing to consider is in what country you live and how often the temperature increases to high numbers. If you are not familiar with being in a hot country it will be more challenging to stay on the move when the temperature rises. One of the things we might not be used to is how fast we dehydrate, we have to drink more to maintain the same level of performance. Not drinking will deplete our water storage because of all the sweating. If we fail to drink not only our performance is influenced but it can also become dangerous. Without drinking water we could overheat and have some health risks. If you live in a country where the heat is more frequent you are probably better placed than me to give tips. Being in a country with a warmer climate you will more than likely be able to sustain harder workouts even when it’s warm.

Summer means happy times and good sunshine. It means going to the beach, going to Disneyland, having fun. – Brian Wilson

Summer is a season that everyone is happy, most people love the season. We are going out and about enjoying the great outdoors and the sun. Keeping ourselves healthy is only possible if we maintain enough movement throughout the year. Winter is difficult for some people to stay moving because of the bad/cold weather. Rather than going outside and going for a hike or a bike ride we tend to stay inside more. In the summer it’s the other way around we love to be outside but staying active in the hot weather is not so easy. Depending on the season you can adjust your workout routine. During the winter you can chose to do some working out indoors. In the summer you can enjoy your time outside but only if you adjust your normal routine. Instead of sprinting go for a jog or a walk instead, so you don’t overheat and still maintain active.

Staying active and moving is important but equally important is to add some relaxation in due time. Instead of constantly focussing on health enjoy the outdoors with friends and family will also benefit your health. It will relax you which in turn will allow your body to go through more intense workouts knowing you have relaxed before. The more frequent the temperatures increase the more often you will have to consider adjustments. The important part is that you always slowly build back up during the weeks of higher temperature. If there is a very rare heat wave in your country consider using the week as a cool down week. Instead of working out as hard as you normally do reduce the intensity and/or reduce the weights you are using. No matter what you decide to do be carefull thinking about your options and don’t apologize for reducing your intensity due to the current weather. It’s better to continue slowly instead of having to quit for several weeks or months due to becoming ill because of not taking care of yourself.