Enjoy doing nothing

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Expand your life by enjoying the moment

We tend to neglect the small things in life. Why don’t we like to do nothing? A great example is how we react when we are meeting up wirth friends.

If we take a drink with friends we like talking with them and enjoying ourselves. What happens when the conversation dies out or or you end up being alone for a minute? Most people will instantly grab their phone to check up on their social media.

I’m just going to go live life. I’m going to go enjoy life. I have nothing left to hide. I am kind of a free person, a free soul. – Caitlyn Jenner

Enjoy the most beautifull gift as often as you can. Take joy from the time that you receive from life. This can apply in two ways. Choose the time that you want to enjoy life without planning anything. Going outside and sitting in the grass listening to the birds, going for a walk and taking a break looking at the water, free up your mind by meditating.

A second possibility is to look at the time others give you. When you wait before starting your presentation, waiting for a meeting to start or waiting for the train to arrive.  Situations where you are waiting for something important can be time consuming and stressfull.  Don’t stress yourself and enjoy any time that you obtain. When you enjoy the time waiting for an important