Keep moving even if the movement ends up being backwards

How does your movement look?

We all have certain goals and we know what we have to do for achieving them. Knowing what to do is not so difficult, it’s actually performing on it that can be more difficult.

Set a goal for yourself and to achieve that goal keep moving, even if it may seem that you are going backwards. An example is attempting to become healthier. At first you will implement healthier foods and/or more movement into the mix. At a certain moment you will feel like you are performing chores. No one likes to do the chores but they have to be done. The adjustment you made for example in what you eat will feel a burden that you have to go through. This is the moment you either have to take a small break or go on a vacation for a bit. No one is made for lasting through all the difficult goals we set, everyone has a breaking point somewhere on their route. In healthy eating this is being countered by implementing “refill days”. This is a moment you are taking your foot from the accelerator and park your car for a short amount of time. This can be implemented in a healthy eating habit simply by having a day that you can eat what you want no matter what your plan says. These days are crucial to maintain your sanity and to keep on moving forward in the overal view of things.

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. – Ellen Glasgow

Not all movement is growth but that isn’t required. If you continue to move you are following your path. Any path you follow has road blocks, it doesn’t matter that they are there, the only important thing is how you handle these road blocks. If you don’t think you can move forwards and turn around to never look for a route towards the other side you have failed to go for your goal. The second option is that you turn around but find a other route towards your goal. Even if it takes an extensive amount of time to reach what you are aiming for you will receive the benefits in the long run. Just as happens with road blocks on the street you can always find a way around to strive for what you are aiming.

Taking a step backwards, even by choice, is not always a bad thing. If you take a step back you are able to see the overview of everything laying ahead. Taking a step back will allow you to move two steps ahead afterwards. An example is if you are working out hard you could end up getting injured. This injury might have been provoked by constantly pushing yourself. While this will temporarily halt your progress this shouldn’t demotivate you. After recovering from an injury you will have recovered physically, but maybe even more important mentally. Working out for months at end without taking a break of a week or longer will have it’s effect on everyone. So while it may seem like a hindrance for growth it’s a necessary step for future growth.