Be ready to accept growth to the next level

Is growth always possible?

To improve our life we should attempt to aim for growth in all parts of our life. Unfortunately that is easier said than done and is often more difficult that anticipated.

Forcing growth on ourselves is not always possible. Think about attempting to get a certain degree but always end up with bad results. If you have never studied a day in your life achieving a better result can be obtained by actually performing some work for a change. If you have always been studying despite the bad results it’s practically impossible to force a better result without doing something against the rules. However this doesn’t mean that there is nothing you can do. You can search for a teacher to give you extra explanation in your free time. A different possiblity is to search for a better method of studying that fits your life better. For example some always have to write things down to remember them. While for you it may be better reading while walking outside.

Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together. – James Cash Penney

Growth is difficult to achieve and even harder to force. But if you put everything to work to go for it you have a higher chance to end up with growth. We always think that people who have achieved something amazing got lucky, were born with rich parents or they were given the right opportunity early on. From the succesful people in the world we see their end result but we hardly know what their circomstances were at a younger age. Some had to struggle very hard to achieve where they are now, as an example you can research on the live of the former Cofounder of Apple: Steve Jobs. People who leave a legacy for the following generations don’t have to come from a rich family, the ones who don’t are even more likely to create a legacy. Compared to the people growing up in a rich family people that are less lucky will have the drive to perform something awesome.

If we believe that others got lucky we think that our time will come without having to work hard for it. The problem with this is that this mindset will force you to remain in your current situation. When you do this a couple years in a row you start to think the others really got lucky and you will always remain in this mindset. Reading this article we hope that you understand that everyone can achieve what they want as long as you know you have to work for it. Persons who continue to improve will get the benefits at some points, the ones who believe they should get lucky at some point will never get in a better situation. Don’t let luck come to you, but improve yourself and the growth will benefit you in the long run.